

Perfect for bootstrapped startups and small teams ready to grow on a budget

What’s included

Check Icon - Technology Webflow Template
Basic CRM Management
Check Icon - Technology Webflow Template
Basic Revenue Analytics
Check Icon - Technology Webflow Template
Live Chat and Email Support
Check Icon - Technology Webflow Template
Ops Credits: 2 Data, 1 Design

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 2,950 USD
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Startup Plan: Clear, Focused Sales Ops Kickstart

Get a taste of professional sales ops with our commitment-free Startup Plan.
We set crystal-clear expectations and deliver tangible results in 30 days.

What to Expect:

Week 1: Diagnostic & Planning

  • We assess your current setup.
  • Define 2-3 achievable quick wins.

Weeks 2-3: Implementation

  • Execute agreed-upon optimizations.
  • Provide progress updates every 3 days.

Week 4: Results & Recommendations

  • Deliver measurable outcomes report.
  • Outline next steps for continued growth.

What's Included:

  • CRM Quick Clean (up to 5,000 records)
  • 1 high-impact workflow automation
  • 1 Sales Enablement Asset
  • Weekly performance snapshot
  • Email & chat support (24hr response time)

Realistic Monthly Outcomes:

  • 10-15% reduction in manual data entry.
  • Standardized process for 1 key sales activity.
  • 1 professional-grade sales asset.

What This Plan Is:

  • A focused sprint to improve core sales ops.
  • A chance to experience our expertise.
  • A foundation for future optimization.

What This Plan Isn't:

  • A complete sales ops overhaul.
  • A long-term strategic engagement.
  • A substitute for ongoing, in-depth optimization.

The Startup Plan is your low-risk entry to professional sales ops.
Perfect for small teams wanting to test the waters before diving deeper. Start seeing results fast, with the freedom to decide your next move.

Remember: While we deliver quick wins, the full power of sales ops unfolds over time.
Ready for more? Ask about our comprehensive quarterly and annual plans!

Before You Start: Setting Up for Success

To hit the ground running and maximize your 30-day sprint, please have the following ready:

  • CRM Access:
    • Admin-level login credentials.
    • List of current user roles and permissions.
  • Sales Process Overview:
    • Basic flowchart or description of your sales stages.
    • Any existing sales playbooks or guidelines.
  • Data Sample:
    • Export of 100-200 records (anonymized if needed).
    • List of critical fields used in your sales process.
  • Tool Stack:
    • List of sales and marketing tools currently in use.
    • Any known integration pain points.
  • Key Stakeholder:
    • Designate a point person who can make quick decisions.
    • Ensure they have 2-3 hours available weekly for check-ins.
  • Top Sales Challenges:
    • List your top 3 sales ops pain points.
    • Any specific metrics you're looking to improve.

Having these elements ready will ensure we can dive straight into optimization work, maximizing the impact of your Startup Plan.
Don't worry if you're missing some items – we can help you gather what's needed during our initial diagnostic phase.

Supercharge Your Sales Team

14-day money-back guarantee. Have questions? Schedule a free consultation in our live chat below.

 2,950 USD
Buy now