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Trade Show Lead Follow-Up: 5 Simple Steps You Need to Know

Maximize trade show ROI with effective trade show lead follow-up. Learn best practices for processing and nurturing leads.

Trade shows can be a goldmine for lead generation. But, the real work—and opportunity for ROI—begins after the event ends. The secret is all about effective and timely trade show lead processing.

Processing leads, a task often underestimated in its complexity, requires special attention to detail and a robust strategy. Here's a complete guide to the details of post-event lead processing, designed for those who are ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into the world of marketing operations, lead flow, and list cleaning.

Step 1: Get Your (Spread) Sheet Together

Collect Data: Start by gathering all the lead information you've captured during the event. This might include business cards, forms, digital entries, and notes. Consolidate this data into a single spreadsheet or CRM system for ease of access and management. Without automation, this process can be one of the most time-consuming steps.

Manual Entry and Verification: If you've used paper forms or collected business cards, the first step is manual data entry. Ensure accuracy by double-checking each entry and verifying the information against any notes or memories from the conversation.

Step 2: Lead Data Cleaning and Attribution

Remove Duplicates: Use your CRM’s deduplication tools or manually scan your list to remove any duplicate entries. This step is crucial to maintain the integrity of your lead database and avoid redundancies in communication.

Standardize Your Data: The most tedious part - but often the most valuable - is standardizing all of your data for each lead. This includes editing each lead's data - did some leads put their first name and last name together in one field? Are your other leads separated by first name and last name? Examples like that are crucial to resolve before outreach begins to ensure that the relationship you began to build at the event is maintained and not ruined by bad marketing automation.

Validate Contact Information: Employ email verification tools and check phone numbers for correctness. Invalid contact details can significantly hamper your follow-up efforts. Using tools like NeverBounce can protect your domain reputation against high bounce rates. Some CRMs will even block sending emails if your bounce rate is too high. As a result, your follow-up process is delayed, costing you valuable time.

Segment Your Leads: Based on the qualifiers you've established during the event (e.g., hot, warm, cold), segment your leads accordingly. This segmentation can also include industry type, interest level, or specific services they inquired about. This process requires a strong alignment between the staff who worked at the event and your marketing operations team.

Tag Leads for Attribution: To ensure that your marketing efforts are accurately measured and attributed, it's essential to tag each lead with the source of their discovery. This might include the specific trade show, booth visit, or any other engagement activity they participated in. Utilizing UTM parameters or custom fields in your CRM can help track the journey of a lead from the initial point of contact through to conversion. This step aids in understanding how effective your trade show participation was. Also, it optimizes your marketing spend and strategy for future events.

Step 3: Lead Nurturing Preparation

Craft Personalized Messages: Develop tailored follow-up messages for different segments. Personalization can significantly increase your conversion rates. Reference specific conversations, interests, or potential projects to make your communication stand out.

Plan Your Multi-Touch Campaign: Determine the sequence of touchpoints for each lead segment. This might include a thank-you email, educational content, special offers, and follow-up calls. Ensure each touchpoint adds value and gently guides the lead through your sales funnel.

Prepare Your Team: Brief your sales and marketing teams on the lead follow-up strategy. Make sure they understand the tailored approach for each group.

Step 4: Launching Your Follow-Up Campaign

Initiate Email Campaigns: Start with a thank-you email to all leads, pointing out their visit to your booth and expressing your eagerness to connect. Follow this with the planned sequence of emails tailored to each segment. However, it is important to ensure that each email communication adds value to your prospects.

Schedule Calls: For hot leads, schedule follow-up calls within the first week after the event. Warm and cold leads can be contacted according to the timeline created in your multi-touch campaign.

Monitor Engagement: Use your CRM to track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics. Adjust your follow-up strategy based on real-time feedback and engagement levels.

Step 5: Long-Term Engagement and ROI Analysis

Nurture Over Time: Not all leads will convert immediately. Implement a long-term nurturing strategy, regularly providing valuable content and checking in to stay top-of-mind.

Measure Your Results: Track conversions and sales resulting from trade show leads. Analyze the effectiveness of different segments, messages, and touchpoints. Use this data to calculate your ROI and inform future strategies.

Refine Your Process: Based on your analysis, refine your lead processing and follow-up strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness for future events.

Processing trade show leads is indeed a ton of work, but it's also an opportunity to impact your business's bottom line. By following these detailed steps, your team can develop a robust system for turning trade show interest into profitable business. Whether you choose to tackle this challenge DIY or opt for professional help, the key is in the meticulous execution of each step.

This guide shows you the exact steps we take with our clients. But if all this seems like too much to handle, don't sweat it. We've got your back. Just give our team a shout, and we'll take care of everything for you. Let's make sure you get the most out of your event without the headache. Reach out today and let's secure that event ROI together.

Ryan T. Murphy

Managing Partner, Sr. Sales Operations Manager

With over a decade in CRM management and marketing operations, Ryan has driven growth for 32 businesses from startups to global enterprises with 12,000+ employees.