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User Interface Design for Web Applications: Best Practices and Examples

Learn best practices and see examples of user interface design for web application to enhance user experience and meet use...

User interface design for web application serves as the bridge between your product and its users. In today's digital world, a poorly designed UI can lead to frustrated users, lost sales, and damaged brand reputation. Here's why user interface design for web application is crucial:

  • First Impressions Matter: The UI is often the first thing users notice about your web application. A clean and intuitive design can captivate them from the get-go.
  • User Expectations: Users expect interfaces to be simple, fast, and efficient. Meeting these expectations can significantly improve user satisfaction and retention.
  • Competitive Edge: A well-designed UI sets you apart from competitors and can be a game-changer for your business.

Now, let’s dig deeper into how Upfront Operations helps businesses create exceptional UIs that align with user expectations and drive sustainable growth. I'm Ryan T. Murphy, with over a decade of experience in CRM management and marketing operations, including user interface design for web application projects. My focus is translating complex requirements into user-friendly systems.

Next, we will explore the foundational aspects of user interface design and best practices to keep in mind for your web applications.

Understanding User Interface Design

User interface design, often abbreviated as UI design, is all about creating the parts of a web application that users interact with. Think of it as the visual and interactive layer that connects users with your software.

UI vs UX: What’s the Difference?

While UI focuses on the look and feel of the application, UX (User Experience) is all about how the user feels when using the app. UI is the buttons, colors, fonts, and layouts. UX is the overall experience - was it easy, fast, and pleasant to use?

Imagine you’re using a new messaging app. The UI includes the icons, text fields, and send button you see on the screen. UX is your overall experience - how quickly you can send a message, how easy it is to find your contacts, and how satisfied you feel using the app.

Visual and Interactive Elements

A good user interface design for web application includes both visual and interactive elements. Here are some key components:

  • Buttons: Simple, clickable elements that perform actions.
  • Text Fields: Areas where users can enter text.
  • Dropdown Menus: Lists of options that appear when a user clicks on a button.
  • Icons: Small images that represent actions or content.
  • Navigation Bars: Menus that help users move around the application.
  • Tooltips: Small pop-up boxes that provide extra information when you hover over an element.

Why Are These Elements Important?

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in making the application easy to use. For example, well-designed buttons with clear labels help users understand what actions they can take. Navigation bars make it easy to move between different parts of the application. Tooltips offer additional guidance without cluttering the interface.

Real-World Example: Intercom

Intercom is a great example of a web application with a clean and efficient UI. The design is simple, making it easy for users to steer and find what they need quickly. The use of clear buttons, intuitive icons, and well-organized navigation bars ensures a smooth user experience.

Key Takeaways

  • UI is the bridge between your product and its users.
  • UX focuses on the overall experience - ease of use, speed, and satisfaction.
  • Visual and interactive elements like buttons, text fields, and navigation bars are essential for a user-friendly interface.

Understanding these basics sets the stage for creating a web application that not only looks good but also provides a seamless user experience. Next, we’ll dive into best practices for user interface design for web applications.

UI vs UX: Understanding the Difference - user interface design for web application infographic simple-info-card

Best Practices for User Interface Design for Web Applications


Simplicity in user interface design means making the interface easy to use and understand. One effective strategy is using interface elements on demand. This means showing controls only when they are needed, reducing clutter and helping users focus on their tasks.

For example, a hypothetical application Kontain uses a dropdown menu in its search bar to hide advanced filters. This keeps the search bar simple but still powerful. Similarly, another hypothetical application CollabFinder reveals additional search options only when you click on the search link.

Specialized Controls

Choosing the right controls for the job can make a big difference in usability. Different tasks require different types of controls.

For instance, a calendar picker is much more efficient for selecting dates than a series of dropdown lists. A fictional application Backpack uses a compact calendar picker that allows users to select dates quickly and accurately.

Sliders are another specialized control that can improve user experience. They are particularly useful for tasks like adjusting values or exploring ranges. A fictional MyBankTracker uses sliders in its APY calculator, making it easy for users to try out different projections.

Context-Sensitive Navigation

Context-sensitive navigation helps users find what they need without cluttering the interface. A great example is the Microsoft Office ribbon. It only shows relevant controls based on the task at hand, keeping the interface clean and focused.

By displaying relevant controls when needed, you can create an uncluttered interface that guides users naturally through their tasks.

Emphasis on Key Functions

Highlighting key functions can improve user experience. For example, create and cancel buttons should be easily distinguishable. Making create buttons larger and more prominent can guide users’ gaze and simplify interactions.

Using larger clickable areas for important actions also helps. This ensures users can quickly and easily perform essential tasks without confusion.

Empty States

Empty states are moments when there is no data to display. Instead of leaving these spaces blank, use them to provide helpful messages and guide users on what to do next.

For instance, a project management tool can show a message prompting users to create their first project when no projects are available. This approach not only makes the interface look good but also motivates actions and helps users get started.

Pressed Button States

Pressed button states give users feedback that their action has been recognized. This can be achieved using the CSS active pseudo-class, which visually changes the button when clicked, providing a responsive feel.

Custom-styled buttons that change appearance when pressed can improve the user experience by making the interface feel more interactive and responsive.

Shadows Around Modal Windows

Using drop shadows around modal windows helps them stand out and directs user attention. Shadows create a three-dimensional appearance that makes the window appear closer, blocking out the background noise.

For example, Digg uses thick shadows around its log-in window to help it stand out. This technique focuses user attention on the modal window, making it clearer and easier to use.

Disable Pressed Buttons

To prevent issues like duplicate submissions, it’s crucial to disable pressed buttons immediately upon clicking. This can be done using a simple JavaScript snippet:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="this.disabled=true" />

Implementing client-side safeguards like this, along with server-side checks, ensures that duplicates don’t slip through, maintaining the integrity of user actions.

Examples of Modern Web Application Design


Intercom is renowned for its clean user interface (UI) and efficient layout. The company offers a suite of messaging-first products designed to accelerate business growth. The most recent design iteration, launched in March 2019, has received praise for its simplified navigation and calming interface.

The old UI was cluttered, making long working hours a challenge. The new design addresses this by presenting a more organized and serene environment. Users can easily find what they need without feeling overwhelmed, making Intercom a joy to use.


Buffer is a social media management platform that has evolved significantly since its inception. The recent redesign includes a primary top navigation bar and a secondary left panel. This two-tier navigation system makes it easy to move between different products and functionalities.

Buffer's UI is clean and uses whitespace effectively. The platform also incorporates its brand colors throughout the interface, adding a touch of creativity and character. Users find it simple to schedule social media posts and analyze performance, thanks to the intuitive design.


Notion is a favorite among its users for its minimalist and uncluttered feel. This web application serves as a blank canvas, allowing users to focus without distractions. When it first launched, Notion faced performance issues, but a complete rebuild turned it into a flawless platform used by over a million people.

One of Notion's standout features is its use of emojis within a clean interface. This clever design choice adds a layer of personalization and creativity, making it a highly customizable tool for users.


Netlify excels in making complicated tasks simple. The platform offers hosting and serverless backend solutions for static websites. Users often find themselves amazed at how effortless it is to steer through Netlify's features, thanks to its clear explanations and beautiful structure.

The design focuses on presenting information only when it's needed, which makes users feel comfortable and in control. This approach has made Netlify a favorite among developers, who appreciate its user-friendly experience.


Mailchimp has continually improved its UI/UX over the years. The platform started as an email marketing tool but has since evolved into a comprehensive marketing platform. Mailchimp's design is consistent, playful, and highly user-centric.

The recent UI updates feature a cleaner interface with expressive fonts and playful illustrations. Mailchimp relies heavily on UX testing to ensure that the interface is simple to use, compensating for its less-than-stellar customer support. This focus on usability has made Mailchimp an inspiration for many in the web application design space.

These examples showcase how effective user interface design for web applications can significantly improve usability and user satisfaction. By focusing on clean layouts, intuitive navigation, and creative elements, these web applications set the standard for modern design.

Next, we’ll dig into how to design a user interface for a web application, covering key steps and considerations.

How to Design a User Interface for a Web Application

Designing a user interface for a web application involves several crucial steps. Each step ensures that the final product is both user-friendly and efficient. Here’s how you can get started:

Identify User Pain Points

Understanding the challenges your users face is the first step. Conduct surveys, interviews, and usability tests to gather insights. This helps you pinpoint specific issues that need addressing.

For example, Mailchimp improved its interface by addressing user pain points like complicated navigation and cluttered design. The result? A cleaner, more intuitive UI that users love.

Create User Stories

User stories are short descriptions of how users interact with your application. They help you visualize their journey and identify necessary features. A user story might look like this:

"As a user, I want to easily schedule social media posts so that I can manage my content calendar efficiently."

Buffer uses user stories to shape its two-tier navigation system, making it easy for users to switch between products and functionalities.

Conduct an Interface Inventory

An interface inventory is a comprehensive list of all UI elements in your application. This includes buttons, icons, menus, and forms. Cataloging these elements ensures consistency and helps identify redundant or outdated components.

Intercom revamped its cluttered UI by conducting an interface inventory. They removed unnecessary elements, resulting in a more organized and serene environment.

Use Design Patterns

Design patterns are reusable solutions to common design problems. They help maintain consistency and improve usability. Examples include navigation bars, modals, and form validations.

Netlify excels in using design patterns like clear explanations and step-by-step guides. This makes complex tasks simple and improves user confidence.

Develop Prototypes

Before diving into development, create prototypes. These can be simple wireframes or interactive mockups. Prototypes allow you to test the layout and functionality without writing code.

Prototyping is crucial for catching design flaws early - user interface design for web application infographic simple-info-landscape-card-dark

Notion started with prototypes to address performance issues and refine its minimalist design. This iterative process helped them build a flawless platform used by millions.

Gather User Feedback

Once your prototype is ready, test it with real users. Gather feedback to identify any issues or areas for improvement. This step is critical for refining the user interface.

Mailchimp relies heavily on UX testing to ensure its playful and expressive interface meets user needs. Continuous feedback helps them stay ahead of user expectations.

By following these steps, you can create a user interface for a web application that is both functional and delightful to use. Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about user interface design for web applications.

Frequently Asked Questions about User Interface Design for Web Applications

What is user interface design in web design?

User interface design (UI) in web design is all about the look and feel of a web application. It includes everything a user interacts with: buttons, colors, fonts, icons, and navigation menus.

UI design is crucial because it's the first thing users see. A well-designed UI can make users feel comfortable and confident using the app. For instance, when you open Intercom, you're greeted with a clean, efficient layout that's easy to steer.

How to design UI UX for a website?

Designing UI/UX for a website involves several steps:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: Know who your users are and what they need. This helps you create a design that suits their preferences and solves their problems.

  2. Focus on Navigation: Make sure users can find what they need quickly. Use clear menus and intuitive paths. Buffer excels at this with its top navigation and secondary left panel.

  3. Create Visual Hierarchy: Use different sizes and colors to show what's most important. This guides users' eyes to key functions.

  4. Use White Space: Don’t clutter the interface. White space helps users focus and makes the design look clean. Notion uses white space effectively to maintain a minimalist design.

  5. Ensure Consistency: Keep the design uniform across all pages. This includes colors, fonts, and button styles. Mailchimp is known for its consistent and playful interface.

  6. Make It Responsive: Your design should work well on all devices - desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

What is UI vs UX in web design?

UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) are closely related but different.

  • UI: Focuses on the visual elements of an application - what users see and interact with. It’s about the design, colors, buttons, and overall look.

  • UX: Concentrates on the overall feel of the application. It’s about how easy and pleasant it is to use. UX designers think about the user's journey, from start to finish.

Think of UI as the paint and décor of a house, while UX is the layout and flow of the rooms. Both need to work together to create a great experience.

For example, Netlify combines clear UI elements with a smooth UX to guide users through complex tasks effortlessly.

By understanding these aspects, you can create a web application that not only looks good but also provides a seamless and enjoyable user experience.


Good user interface design for web applications is essential. It can make or break the user experience. A well-designed UI is intuitive, easy to use, and meets user expectations. It helps users feel comfortable and confident while navigating your app.

Planning before building is critical. Start with understanding the goals of your application. What do you want your app to achieve? Then, think about your users. Who are they? What do they need? What do they expect?

Next, create a logical design. How will information flow through your site? Finally, move to the physical design. How will this information be presented visually?

Upfront Operations can help you with this. We offer expert sales operations support, including CRM management, lead nurturing, and pipeline management. We provide on-demand, fractional sales operations experts who can help you plan and build a great UI.

Continuous testing is also vital. Test your application with as many users as possible. Challenge them to find bugs or issues. This helps ensure your app is user-friendly and free of problems.

By following these steps, you can create a web application that not only looks good but also provides a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

For more information on how we can help you with your web application UI design, visit Upfront Operations.

Ryan T. Murphy

Managing Partner, Sr. Sales Operations Manager

With over a decade in CRM management and marketing operations, Ryan has driven growth for 32 businesses from startups to global enterprises with 12,000+ employees.